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Re: Caliper piston UN-stuck! Thanks to all!

To: Jeff McNeal <>
Subject: Re: Caliper piston UN-stuck! Thanks to all!
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 20:11:25 -0800 (PST)
Cc: Triumph List <>, Spitfire List <>
On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Jeff McNeal wrote:

> grabbed the only thing I had that was large enough and strong enough to hold
> the free moving piston in place.  My father's old monkey wrench.  Worked
> like a charm.  The stuck piston began easing out, and once it was out far
> enough, it simply fell out.

OK now, you're well along the path to a greater being.  You'll need to
find yourself a few more tools: specifically, the biggest pair of
vise-grips you can find (check the used-tool-garage-sale type stores), and
a King Dick wrench.  Adjustable, made in england, and can be used in place
of almost any heavy bludgeoning tool.  Guaranteed to get the job done,
providing the job has lots of swingin', bashin', and cussin'.

> monkey" ha ha.  I blew compressed air through the line to clear most of the
> grease out, and used a rag yo wipe out the cylinders, but am open for
> suggestions on how to finish the job.  I have a feeling that denatured
> alcohol and brake fluid are going to come into play, here.I have the feeling

Suggest you use some light oil (WD-40 is good, it's got lots of detergents
in it), then the alcohol.   If you'll be using DOT5 I think it would be
best to use the alc. and let it dry for a long time before letting brake
fluid near it.

The alcohol is good because it breaks down the oils, and evaporates... you
might also want to get some brake cleaner (it's probably got acetone or
toluene or xylene or one of the really nasty chemicals in it) and spray it
over the metal.  Don't use that stuff near rubber or plastics, just metal.

Degreaser is also good for removing grease.  (Amazing, isn't it??  ;-))

> that this piston has been inoperable for some time, which explains the
> imbalance of wear on the pads that were on that caliper.  The piston is
> fairly severely pitted so I'm going to junk it and replace with new.

Replace them *all*, it's cheap insurance.

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