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Take Pictures! Be Published!

To: The Usual Suspects <>
Subject: Take Pictures! Be Published!
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 15:51:49 -0800 (PST)
OK folks, here's something for you types who are stuck inside for the

The gentleman quoted below contacted me thru my web-page, he is writing a
book on the Triumph TR and is in need of photographs of various parts,
particularly any likely restoration areas.  I will be sending him what I
have on TR4 door post / rocker / floor repair, but I don't have much other
than that...!  Apparently he has lots of TR6 pics, but I guess more
wouldn't hurt...

So, if you fall in the following categories:
 - Lots of spare time
 - Photographs of before/after restoration of your big-bodied TR
 - desire to share the wealth

Please contact Roger Williams ( and see if
you have something specifi.  (Read below for what he's in urgent need of)

The deal I made was that he send me a copy of the book when completed, so
I could see where my car was in it.

* There is a FAQ for this list!  Its new home is:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 08:40:40 -0000
From: Roger Williams <>
To: Malcolm Walker <>
Subject: Re: YourTR Restoration 

Hello again Malcolm & a very Happy New Year to you & your family. I trust
you all had a good time. For my wife & I a week has gone in a flash.
You probably have already guessed but the TR photographs I had been promised
have largely been a disappointment or have failed to materialise as yet.
There have been all sorts of good reasons (one guy has been ill, for
example) but my publishers dead line is going to be on me in a flash & if I
do not take precautionary action I could find myself with too few pix. I
wonder therefore if I can after all please trouble you to do two things we
have "discussed" previously:-
(A) Could you please post me a floppy of your own stuff
(B) Advertise on the Triumph mailing list.
I would ideally prefer for the pix to be mailed prints. & at the risk of
appearing pedantic I need the pix to be rather specific, as follows:-
1-My most urgent need is for the body work of the cars. I am looking at 4
 Sidescreens, Michelotti. Karmann & Wedge.
2-They should please be sequential in perhaps a minimum of 3 pix, say for
example of one panel ( perhaps one corner) photographed before work started,
with the panel removed & finally with the new panel in place. If there is
also an additional pix of the panel being repaired, that would be wonderful!
3 If the contributor could GENTLY number each pix on its rear & in a
separate write-up give me any additional information as to tricks,
difficulties, panel sequence, small details shown in the pix (eg a temporary
pop rivet here or a
clamp there) & of course his name/location & any interesting detail of his
(eg one owner, second rebuild, stolen, once owned by xxxx etc!!)
4 My next most urgent need is for 4-cyl engine pix & information. Engine
strip & rebuild sequences, tricks, items requiring especial care,
recommended mods, how to up the capacity (eg 2000 to 2200cc).

Malcolm, I hope I am not asking overmuch of you & anything that is going to
cost you significant sums of cash. In either event please let me know so we
can work something out, but let me say a grateful thanks in anticipation of
your help. I believe you have my postal address. Regards Roger

-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Walker <>
To: <>
Date: 31 October 1999 07:54
Subject: Re: YourTR Restoration

>On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, Roger Williams wrote:
>> Restoration of TRs. Most that I have spoken to on the topic are delighted
>> hear that a long overdue gap is to be(eventually) plugged. I have quite a
>> lot of text already but your website was of particular interest to me
>> it not only had photographs but excellent ones at that. You will
>Thank you!  I consider my car to have been among the worst available
>insofar as body metal goes- if the frame was bad I wouldn't be driving it
>> that I have lots of TR6 pix, but I do not have many/enough of the earlier
>> cars & that it is difficult to find pictures of incomplete cars to
>> illustrate their restoration. I may end up by advertising, but would then
>> feel under pressure to get the book finished! So I would prefer not to
>> advertise unless desperate.
>I am a member of the Triumphs Mailing list; if you want excessive help
>from all over the world, that's the place to advertise.  I won't pass this
>message on to the big list just yet, as you would undoubtedly be *swamped*
>with offers for help and the like- butif you ever feel ready for it, there
>are several hundred people out here with similar stories to tell!
>For starters, you might want to contact Brad Kahler- he has a bunch of
>TR3s, a TR4, and a TR4A, all in various states of repair.  His web site is
> and email is at .
>There's also Brian Johnson, who owns a *very* nice Spa White TR4 that
>received a nut-and-bolt resto not too long ago.  He's in England too, so
>you might even be able to go and visit him 'in the flesh'.  Web site
>is , email addresses
>on the above site.  He's got a very early TR2 that would make for some
>good information.
>> So to get to the point, could you send me copies of the photographs you
>> on the net please, &, if you do not mind, any extra pix you have. Before
>> afters are particularly helpful & I need lots of TR 4cylinder engines &
>> axle rear suspensions. What can I offer in return? My grateful thanks for
>I can certainly send you copies of the pictures- will digital format be
>OK?  I have a scanner, so it would be cheaper for me to scan the pics (at
>higher definition that those found on my web site) and then email them to
>you, or even better, to have them burned onto a CD.
>I am currently in the process of fighting my way thru college, and writing
>computer software, and restoring the TR4, and doing all manner of other
>things (in short, burning the candle at 3 ends), so I can't promise to
>deliver all my photos right away.
>I have a few pics here that haven't hit the web yet, too- a good shot of
>before/after of an SU carb (not that informative, but nice to look at)
>and a pictorial of the RHS rocker panel & inner sill replacement.  I
>can go out and shoot a roll of film of the engine bay and underbelly
>sometime, too.  However, my engine and underpan are not in unmolested
>condition, nor are they ever to be fully as-factory (I have things like a
>Chevrolet alternator under the hood/bonnet), so I'm not sure how useful
>they would be.
>> starters &, of course, a public acknowledgement & thanks in the book when
>> is eventually finished. It goes without saying an autographed copy of the
>> book asap. I would also be happy to send a copy of my MGBV8 book provided
>> you promised to read (most of) it!!   Hope you feel you can help, Best
>That would be perfect.  (I'll read it, I promise)  Also, some small
>'unique' thing from your area of the world would be great.  I collect
>lapel pins, so if there's a World Famous Attraction or somesuch near where
>you live, get me some sort of souvenir from there and I'll be happy :-)

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