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RE: Dry Wash 'n Guard

Subject: RE: Dry Wash 'n Guard
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 15:44:24 -0800 charset="iso-8859-1"
By sheer coincidence I have an Enviro Tech 20 Minute Detail Kit sitting on
my desk. 

LBC content...A 1947 Franay Bently Mark VI whose owner claims..."With Dry
Wash and Guard this car sparkles like a fine-cut diamond" which graces the
Kit's Glossy Brochure... VERY Classy Car.

Kit Consists of:

Waterless Car Wash and Protective Glaze (Spray lightly... rub w/terry towel
as haze forms. Buff
DWG Premium Metal Polish...Apply to metal surface w/towel...rub til polish
turns dark. Polish
DWG Upholstery Fabric and Carpet Treatment...Spray on...agitate area w/towel
or brush...blot
DWG Leather and Vinyl Treatment...same as above basically
DWG ALL Weather Tire Treatment... same same

Being in the environmental field I get this kind of stuff to try out. Claim
is you don't have to wash your car before using. Hmmmmm. Wouldn't try this
on any car in a midwest winter for sure, or after a few days in the Snatana
winds here in CA.   It's been sitting here a couple of months now. Been
meaning to try it on the TR or Jag just can't seem to get over the aversion
to not rinsing the surface before putting cloth to paint or just the fun of
playing with water for that matter. When I give it a try I'll make a report.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erkan Hassan []
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2000 10:26 AM
Subject: Dry Wash 'n Guard


I was in Phoenix about 2 months ago and was being driven from the
airport to the hotel.  As it turns out, the driver of the service had
an interest in classic cars.  However, not in restoring and driving,
but rather as a distributor of this product called Dry Wash 'n Guard.
by Enviro-Tech International ( Apparently this is
a pyramid system of a product that is a waterless system to wash and
protect the finish of the car.  He states the finish gets better  with
each application and is optimal after 6 - 8 applications.

The stuff is suppose to suspend the dirt in an emulsion that you then
wipe away.  I think he said the price was $30-$60 per bottle - It's
been so long I cannot remember the exact price.

Has anyone heard of this stuff and or used it with either good or not
so good experiences?

Erkan Hassan,
62 TR3B

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