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RE: Flick Wipe

To: "David Hill\" <" <>, Triumph List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: RE: Flick Wipe
From: Tony Rhodes <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 21:41:17 -0500
Dave, It is certainly possible to do.  you need to intercept one of the
wires from the switch:  either the N/LG ort R/LG.  and put it to ground thru the
momentary switch.  WHen ONE of these is grounded you will get high
speed, (which one, I don't remember).  Grounding the 2 of them will
give slow speed.  Try one first and if it does not work, try the other.  Then
wire in the momentary switch.

I just pull and then return the main wiper switch, or just let it run on the 
speed.  It is not as if the wiper gets much use, so it is good to exercise it

The above wiring info is for the TR4A 2 speed.  The 6 is a little different, 
but similar
in principle.


Message text written by
>Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 22:44:38 -0000
From: "David Hill" <>
Subject: Flick Wipe

Hi, All.

Anyone out there seriously clued up on electrics?

In the muck and filth of winter, it would be really nice to have a flick
wipe facility on both my classics (standard Lucas 2-speed wipers).

I vaguely recall from the '70s that this was possible by putting in an
additional feed to the wiper motor,  via a momentary contact switch. The
idea was that the wipers would wipe once when the switch was pressed, then
park again.

Question: can this work and if so, which wire should be energised via the


Dave Hill

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