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tr6 coil ballast?

Subject: tr6 coil ballast?
From: (Glenn Rattmann)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 09:45:05 -0800 (PST)
My question is regarding ignition coil ballast resistance for the 74 TR6.  I
have read some of the archives on the subject, including Dan Masters' nice
article on the VTR maintenance site.

On the 74 TR6 they used a type of resistive wire about five feet long to
achieve the desired value of resistance and therefore voltage-drop achieved
at the coil connection. The wire goes from the coil, via the main harness
and then through the firewall (left side), and splices into the 'regular'
12V source white wire under the dash, near the left-hand round dash vent.

My ballast wire is damaged (long story) so I cannot measure its resistance.
I also don't know the exact lower target voltage they want at the input to
the coil, nor do I know the current involved, so I can't calculate the
resistance needed.

I'd prefer to keep things stock at this time, so I prefer just to replace
the ballast wire. I'd rather not substitute a fixed resistor and regular
wire, although if someone knows the characteristics of such a resistor I
would consider it.  

BTW, the ballast wire is never mentioned in my factory manual because this
scheme was used only on the 74-75-76 according to Dan Masters' note.

Is there a source for the magic wire?  I've called a couple auto-electric
shops here and they don't have it.  Any insights are appreciated... thanks!

Glenn 74.5 TR6 (since new)

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