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RE: I Like TRF

Subject: RE: I Like TRF
From: Murry Mercier <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 11:10:10 -0800 (PST)

Amidst all the talk of back orders and relative prices
at TRF I have seen no mention of the support that
Charles and John have given to the clubs around the

I am new to the Triumph community (circa 3 years on my
73 TR6) and have not  attended many shows and events.
However, I have seen and talked to John at most of
them. He has always been ready to Talk TR at the
Dinner table or on e-mail or on the phone...

TRF/John has supported us in the development of a new
Triumph club in Ohio, Buckeye TRIUMPHs (began
9/ ~80 memberships), with advice, information,
prizes and the like.

Visit our new website, est. December 1999,

I have not made the acquaintance of anyone from the
other dealers that I can call upon, on such a broad
front as John Swauger @ TRF.  Yes I have BOs at TRF,
since the '99 Summer party... so what?

Live long and prosper, King Charles & Ambassador John.

Murry (...BRG TR6 & 'green' behind the TR 'ears'...)
VP - Buckeye TRIUMPHS Membership

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