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RE: "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada

Subject: RE: "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 13:51:33 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi again, Dave, and other Listers. I just thought I'd do a little disclaimer
and give a fair due to the real webmaster of the TR2-4 owner's web page -
Barry Shefner. I think it is a great site for early TR owners to congregate,
similar to our newly-born Listers home page (which reminds me - I have to do
my pic & bio some time soon). For any TR2-4(A) Listers interested, see
Barry's site at:

It seems your car has a checkered past. Wow - Malta! Cheers, JD

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Dave Terrick []
        Sent:   January 4, 2000 1:30 PM
        Subject:        "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada

        Hi all.

        I enquired about the subject and have received several replies.
Thanks to

        First off,  I have now learned to use the listquet archives - and
they are
        much different from my last visit.  Very much worth using for obtuse
        questions like mine.

        Second,  this may be a "Canadian" thing.    John Day (and his
        suggest that this may have been done by the port authority to
confirm the
        year of import - in my case the "5" being 1965.  That said,  I have
not seen
        any others marked as such, and my GT6 certainly is not - nor are any
of the
        TR3's I know of.

        Finally,  in absence of other information (and I suspect I'll need
to break
        down and gab a BMHIT certificate),  my car was built in Malta
(Thanks Joe C,
        I also found your list post on the archive).  Just where the @#$@#
        Malta?!?  (I know, sort of).  Was there a military establishment
        Might my car have been a personal import?  Anybody?!?

        Dave T

        Dave T

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