Before Christmas I put an inquiry on the list about a modern radio/tape that
would fit in the TR6 dash support radio cutout without modification and
several people emailed asking for feedback. Acting on a suggestion from
Fred Thomas, I called 1-800-88-TUNES. They can fit the standard TR6 opening
(3 1/2" by 1 1/2" nose opening and shafts 5 1/4" on center) with a modern
AM/FM Tape unit. PLL circuity, 12 electronic pushbutton presets, separate
bass and treble, balance and fader, digital clock frequency display,
local/distance switch, RCA output for external amp, 64 watts output, chrome
face, chrome buttons (no face plate). Fit without mods for $209.00. It's
ordered, they say two weeks, let you know how it sounds.
By the way Fred the smile was frozen on my face, glad you had warmer
John, '71 TR6
Berkeley Springs, WV