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Re: Insulting comments.RULES and REGULATIONS

To:, "" <>, brit cars <>
Subject: Re: Insulting comments.RULES and REGULATIONS
From: Don Kerr <>
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 20:05:39 -0600
Organization: DKV EURO
References: <>
OK everybody, who's been throwing insults and not told ME! Now I've said
before, if there's going to be any
insult throwing some rules are in order.........
ONE. No one eligible who does not own, drive, store, repair LBC's or who
is relative of same.
TWO. Time for throwing will be limited to 2(TWO) mailings of any kind.
THREE.Duration of such mailings will be limited to 10(TEN)days from
initiation of cause of throwing.
FOUR. The grammar of such throwings will be in ENGLISH only and no
ANGLO-SAXON derivatives.
FIVE.The referee of the throwings will be nominated by any party who
falls in the above catogories,but
excluding the throwees.
SIX.No attempt shall be made to persuade/intimidate/obviate/bribe, the
referee or any member of his family, or otherwise alter the outcome of
the throwing.
SEVEN. The referees decision shall be deemed as binding to all parties
and no appeal shall be allowed.
EIGHT.The outcome of the throwings will be posted and the parties
concerned that they have been allowed the throwings and that the
perpetrator of throwings that continue outside of these rules will will
be deemed ineligible to throw at the same subject, for a period of one
PS. Anyone can feel free to modify/change or add to the above as long as
the above applies.
>This is ONE mans opinion.............
> Glad to see we're still here...
> On the state of this list, I have a lot of tolerance for varying opinions, 
> is there a need to throw in insults? I keep seeing
> people saying how everyone's entitled to their opinion, but the unspoken 
> seems to be "as long as it's the same opinion as mine" - not really so 
>  but there can be a lot of crap.
> Jim Wallace
> 60 TR3a 2TS81417L
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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