Message text written by "Adrian Dix-Dyer"
>Having followed the thread on gearbox types and fitting and it has
>my following questions:
>Has anyone experienced the fitting of a J type O/D gearbox to a TR4A but
>with the 'saloon' tailshaft. This tailshaft differs in the fact that it
>2 vertical threaded holes not horizontal?.
I can't speak for the TR4A but I put a J-type O/D in my 71 TR6. This O/D
had holes on the back side of the housing (at right angle to the normal
mounting holes) which I used with a piece of angle iron and some other
improvisations. I had to notch part of the original trans mounts on the
frame to clear the solenoid. And there is no room for the standard trans
mount (the rubber bit). (Note: I have since then replaced my knackered
frame with one from a 73 model which has the proper mounts for the J-type.)
>Do I require a right-angled speedo drive?
I dunno, if you don't use one the cable comes out at a right angle to the
transmission. The frame has a provision for just that but on the A-type.
Is the J-type speedo connection is a different location? If so then you
just might need it to avoid having the cable interfere with the frame.
Good luck