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Triumph to the rescue! A short Story

To: john donohoe <>
Subject: Triumph to the rescue! A short Story
From: David Massey <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 09:01:32 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by john donohoe
>Decided it neede a fresh battery. Just for fun, I
>thought I'd try to fire up the GT6+.  Now, it's been 
>in the low teens here in Mid-Michigan,
>so I really didn't expect it to start. But 5 pumps to
>the fuel pump lever, out with the choke, and by golly
>the little creature fired up!

So what!  Don't forget these things were designed to be run 
year 'round.  I've driven my TR6 in sub-zero (F) weather.  No 
problem.  Back in the 70's, when I was in college, I drove an MG 
daily and it would start when american cars wouldn't.  These 
cars, when kept properly tuned, were/are quite reliable.

Here in St. Louis we we have a drive each February called the 
Polar Bear Run.  It has been called on acount of salt but not for 
low temperature.  So I say drive the cars when you can, its the 
best thing for them.


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