Reading from newest post to oldest and read this one too late(post-post if you
will). I did however warn that my post was a divergent ramble and so most
listers will take appropriate action....DELETE.
This kind of thing happens when I get a vacation don't spend enough time in the
On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 01:29:14 SpeedSites wrote:
>We stand corrected -- tho I do recall the Air Force working on one -piece
>composite casings (I think- they were a spiral-wound affair) and they made
>some progress before quitting, as I recall (could be faulty again) for
>budgetary reasons (they stopped using shuttle for launches).
>At any rate, point taken. We should return the board to TR issues before we
>get run out of Dodge (so to speak) :>
>Rod Pyle
>69 TR6
>57 Healey (boxed)