OK, here's the Babble Fish Ear plug........ok, Ford what's it
Well it goes..........That is right my old friend.I have been searching
for the correct spelling, have I not.
.....................John (Quiloquial expression for all acquaintances
to which a formal name sounds, well
.....................And now off down the road for a quick half a pint
of beer and a game of darts in my car.
..................... to show my friend my new suit and boots,and I was
able to buy a hat at a bargain at ..................... Woolworth's.
..................... That is after I comb my hair.
..................... Mind you those French are not so bad are
they?(Referance to your comment about being in
......................France.) See you
"Good grief Ford", said Arthur." did it really say that?" "Well, in so
many words, yes." Replied Ford.
David Massey wrote:
> Message text written by INTERNET:dkveuro@flash.net
> >
> That's right me ol' son. Bin searchin' fer the righ' spellin', aint I
> john? An' narr off dan the frog fer a swift 'arf,and a game a arras, in
> me jam jar, t' show me china me new whistle an' daisies, got a real
> steal at Wollies on a titfer too! That is after I frow a rake fru me
> barnet. Mind you, them kermits aint all bad, eh? See yer.
> ...........DK
> <
> I think that if you were to translate that into Klingon I would stand a
> better chance at understanding it. I though I knew quite a few British
> idoms but... whoa!