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Re: BC Triumph Registry - New Web Site, and a question...

Subject: Re: BC Triumph Registry - New Web Site, and a question...
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 11:56:03 -0700
References: <>
I vote for Tucson, Arizona!  (We don't get enough Triumph only activity
down here)


P.S. If you don't have it down here, I might just have to make the
(long) drive northward for the event.  It was well done in 1998! wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> The telcos in Western Canada have just merged, and in the process they have
> decided to rename the ISP we've been using as our web service.
> We've also taken this as a sign from the powers-that-be that we should
> update the look and feel and content of the site. And so we did...
> The BC Triumph Registry's new url is
> (although the old url will
> continue to work for a while yet).  We have carried forward much of the
> information from the previous format, but many updates are planned in the
> coming weeks for Newsletter articles, regalia for sale, updated marketplace
> items and such.  Take a peek and let me know what you think...
> Now, the question - many of you attended the All Triumph Drive In we hosted
> in 1998 at Minter Gardens.  We are now putting together plans for our next
> event in 2001 and are currently discussing where we should hold the event.
> For those of you who attend such events, do you have a preference for either
> of these locations:
>         Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley area (Vancouver, BC)
>         Vancouver Island area (Victoria, BC)
>         Interior area (Kamloops/Kelowna BC)
> -or does the location not have much difference on your decision to or not to
> attend.
> Please reply off-list - I will post a summary.
> Thanks very much
> Michael
> Secretary, BCTR

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