Did you remove the small screw that is located on the side of the piston?
This must occur before the needle can be withdrawn. Let me know and
I'll keep working with you on this until it's resolved. Were you able to
open my tech article?
Also, only the needle should come out when removing. The brass ring
remains in the piston.
Scott Suhring
Elizabethtown, PA
'70 TR6
'59 TR3
Ken Waringa wrote:
> Last week I sent a question about the problems I'm having with the Stromberg
> carbs on my 71 TR6. I received a lot of good info and I appreciate it. I
> got the adjusting screw in the rear carb free and it seems to be working ok.
> I still haven't been able to get the needles out of the pistons. I have
> turned them counterclockwise until my hand blistered. I know they are free
> of the threads, but I can't get them out. The needle is located in the
> center of a brass ring. The needle is spring loaded for movement (I
> assume). The brass ring & needle moves in and out when turning the
> adjusting screw. Are the brass ring and needle one piece? I think the
> brass ring should come out with the needle, but I'm afraid of pulling to
> hard and damaging the spring and needle.
> Also, when turned counterclockwise to the end of the threads, the brass ring
> on the front carb is still recessed into the piston the same amount as when
> the rear carb is adjusted fully clockwise. I thought it was supposed to be
> flush with the bottom of the piston. If I push down with the adjusting
> tool, the brass ring slides down flush, but the threads won't engage. The
> rear carb brass ring is just about flush with the bottom of the piston when
> the threads engage.
> I hope I've explained this so everyone can understand my problem. I can't
> afford new carbs right now, so any advise will be very much appreciated.
> I'd like to change over to SU carbs eventually, but that will have to wait a
> while.
> Ken Waringa
> 71 TR6
> 74 Midget