I agree completely with your comments. Remember I drove 10 hours from
Duluth, MN to the Chicago area to pickup my TR3. I didn't use earplugs, but
I did use one of those headbands that covered my ears - it worked well.
Steve Peca
Wheaton, Illinois
1958 TR3A - TS23867L
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 11:47:55 -0700, Geo Hahn wrote:
> rtriplett@bjservices.com wrote:
> > Anyway, my point is that it might be wise to stuff a wad of cotton in
the left
> > ear, or use an ear plug when driving long distances.
> Especially in chilly weather you could get an earache from the breeze. I
> carry a few of the foam earplugs like pilots of light planes wear. Offer
> from noise and cold and (if just worn in the outboard ear) do not
interfere with
> communications from the "nagivator" .
> Geo Hahn
> 59 TR3A
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