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RE: What is that thing?

To: Tim Hickey <>, triumphs <>
Subject: RE: What is that thing?
From: Gernot von Hoegen <>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 14:24:57 +0000
>===== Original Message From Tim Hickey <> =====
>On my 1973 TR6 restoration project there is a small metal tag that is pop
>riveted to the left side of the windscreen frame on the inside.  It is
>about midway up the side, and on top of the black trim piece. It is about
>1.5 inches long, or so, and looks to me like someone has broken off the tag
>(?) by bending it back and forth.
>Was this a parts identification tag from the factory?  A VIN tag?  For the
>life of me I can't see what function such a thing would serve.  Any ideas?
Is on my 74 as well, was suggested to be  a vin tag, however, its completely 
blank and it doesn't really look as if someone filed the number off, much 
easier to rip it off anyway

............Gernot von Hoegen................
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