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Re: brake drums

To: Fred Thomas <>
Subject: Re: brake drums
From: Don Kerr <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:28:46 -0500
Organization: DKV EURO
References: <000d01bf1b2b$b3b83200$c4eaa4d8@vafred>
Fred Thomas wrote:
> Listers, I do not think Sumner told enough about his 1994 car, such as how
> many miles are on the speedo, I ask this because I have met Sumner and his
> wife, and find it hard to believe this is a high mileage car, or a
> rusted-out underside car. I think we can all relate to about how far we can
> go between brake overhauls, or maintenance in general, I think he said the
> mechanic said they were too rusted out, which I find very hard to
> understand.   "FT"
OK Here's my dollars worth.....Was anybody actually THERE when this
"rusted out"comment was made?
Perhaps he said "out of tolerance',"out of spec' etc????I tell my
customers always get your replaced parts 
returned to you and secondly,get a second opinion.
DK  DKV Euro

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