Guys, here is my status, and request for info
57 tr3- frame has been stripped of all components. Next step is to have
it sandblasted, and powdercoated. I have noticed a few things. The
frame may need to be straightened. I will be title searching over the
winter months, but know it has been in an accident on the front right
side. Some welding on the frame, near the lower A arm. Inner front
wheel arch is crumpled. left side is "major gunked up" with forty years
of road foo, while the right side is only mildly gunked. Outriggers for
mounting the body have been modified on right side.
I am guessing the frame may need straightening due to the way it sits on
my jack stands, and will rock about a half inch.
I would also like to straighten out some of the edges of the frame that
have been bumped around. There is also some minor grinding, and welding
to be done. So here is the question; What is the order of process for
this part of the project.
Here is my guess;
1) weld, grind, and fix the outright noticeable problems (outriggers,
bent edges.)
2) sandblast the frame
3) other minor welding, grinding, etc.
4) powdercoat the frame
5) have it checked, and if needed, straightened.
Otherwise, the frame is in pretty good shape. Should I have it
straightened secondly, after the first weld, grind?
bob Simmons