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Re: Alternator Upgrade

To: dane trSix <>
Subject: Re: Alternator Upgrade
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 10:03:37 -0700 (PDT)
On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, dane trSix wrote:

> tr6, but the stock fan belt is too short. Any smart
> way to replace the fan belt ?  It looks like I have to
> remove the radiator, the cross bar, and the steering
> linkage just to get the old fan belt out and install a

Can't help you with the new belt length, but common practice on the early
TRs (with the fan extension that made it difficult to remove the belt) was
to jack the engine up 1/4" to 1/2" to get the belt out.  Chances are your
tired old motor mounts have squashed a bit.

If the front wheels come off the ground, stop and carefully let the jack
down ;-)  You only need enough clearance to get the belt in / out.

However, this trick may not work for TR6s.  YMMV.

> Is this a commen problem you all run into - you think
> you just have fix a simple thing like a shortage in
> the wiring and then you end up taking the whole car
> apart ? 

It's called "Shipwright's Disease" and the only known cure is therapy.
Drive you car lots, you'll feel better

-Malcolm (I feel great!)
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