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RE: Glovebox question

To: "Steve Nabors" <>, The List <>
Subject: RE: Glovebox question
From: Gernot von Hoegen <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:37:38 +0100
>===== Original Message From "Steve Nabors" <> =====
>My '74 is the same song and dance and the way I got it open was using a 
little screw driver(after pushing the button in) to get it open.  This is not 
a every day solution though. Therefore, I got a key made for the lock and when 
you push in the
>button you can use the key to pull the door open. Later I found out that 
earlier models had a little finger pull mounted just below the lock so that it 
doesnt take you and some other tool to get the blasted door open. I've bought 
one but still have
>not put it on. Like you, I wonder if there isnt supposed to be some spring or 
something on the "post finger pull" models. Anyone?
dunno what the secret is but I thought it was the glove box light switch that 
was supposed to spring the door open, any how not having a glovebox light 
switch(neither a light) I bought one of these chrome finger things but it 
won't fit without modifying the door so think twice...


............Gernot von Hoegen................
---------------- A V A C --------------------
  Sachverständige für das Kraftfahrzeugwesen
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               52072 Aachen
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