At 12:51 PM 9/21/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I need to find a manually adjustable distributor such as the Mallory
>dual point (which I understand does not fit the 250/6 engine)..does
>anyone know of a source in the US for such a distributor? Does anyone
>know if the stock one can be modified..and by whom?
>Does anyone out there have any direct experience with this set-up?
>did you solve this problem?
Mallory makes a dual point distributor which fits 6 cylinder Jaguar XK engines.
I'm told by a local Jaguar mechanic who owns a TR-6 that this distributor has
a 'standard English drive' and will in fact fit into a TR-6 . The only downside
is that it has no connection for a mechanical tachometer- you would have to
have your tach converted to electric drive.
The distributor on my PI TR-6 has no vacuum advance or retard and has a
manual adjuster which you can use to advance/retard the timing a little bit
without loosening the pedestal. I honestly wish I had a vacuum advance to play
with. Maybe we can trade? ;{)
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? You could probably just plug up the
vacuum intake on your current distributor and adjust your timing accordingly.
Erik Quackenbush, V.P. Operations, Midwest Filter Corporation
1-847-680-0566 fax: 1-847-680-0832