------------ Warning. Warning. Rant ahead -------------------
Barry Schwartz writes:
<<<<<<<<<<< Snip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
>there is a lot of
>truth (and safety) to the slogan, slower drivers keep right-
<<<<<<<<<<< Snip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Since we are talking about road rage (are we?) Barry is absolutely
right. Those who dawdle in the fast lane are acting in an inconsiderate
manor. If they would "step aside" and let those who wish to drive faster
pass (even if it isn't imediately but at the first convinient oportunity)
those who they are impeding would not get impatient.
In the limited amount of driving I have done in Europe I have found
that it is considered very bad form (shameful behaviour) to impede
someone else's progress and slower drivers will promptly move
over to let faster drivers pass. As an indirect result of this it is
fairly easy to get someone to let you into the fast lane if you find
you need to pass a slower driver. I think that this is because the
driver "letting you in" knows (or at least assumes) that as soon
as you are past your slower driver you will promptly return to the
slower lane and let them by.
Contrast this with what happens in the US. Putting on your blinker
to change lanes to the fast lane only causes the traffic in that lane
to close up the gaps to prevent you coming into the lane. Why?
Because they know (or at least assume) that once in that lane you
will most likely STAY THERE and impede their progress. This is a
frequent occurance, slow traffic dawdling in the fast lane.
Now why do slow drivers dawdle in the fast lane? Because they
are intimidated by the traffic passing them on the slow side. Why
are faster drivers passing on the slow side? Because there are
slower drivers in the fast lane!
Two road rules go hand in hand: Slower traffic keep right, and
pass only on the left.
I believe that if slower drivers would let faster traffic through the
faster drivers will become more patient (to a point) knowing that
they will get their opportunity soon. Road courtesy can be
contagious. Lord knows rudeness certainly is!
------------- End of Rant Zone --------------------
Dave (Blood pressure up 20 points) Massey