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5-Speed Trans

To: "Triumphs List" <>
Subject: 5-Speed Trans
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:16:56 -0400
Cc: "Ted Schumacher" <>
on Wed, 25 Aug 1999 at 19:15:20,Michael Ferguson wrote: 

Just got the latest British Car mag in the mail. XKs Unlimited has an ad 
that says they're now the US distributor for 5 speed gearbox conversion
(TR2/3/4/5/6 and other marques). Prices start at $1995. And I thought O/Ds
were expensive! financial interest, etc - just thought someone might be interested.

Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A

At TRF's Summer Party, Ted Schumacher at TSImport Automotive told me about
the 5 speed conversion he is developing. I'm not sure when Ted expects to
come to market with this, but I was very impressed with the price range
that he expected. Maybe Ted will let us know how the development is coming
along. If the conversion kit is anything like the other products Ted has
developed, it may well be worth waiting for.
    _       _
   | \     / |        Keith R. Stewart
   |  \   /  |        75 Camden Road
   |   \_/   |        London, Ontario
   | 62 | TR4|        N5X 2K2
   | 67 |TR4A|        Canada
   | 70 |Spit|        Home:    (519)660-1916
 __|    |Mk3 |__      E-Mail:
|  |    |    |  |
 \T \___|___/ H/
  \ R I U M P /

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