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TR4A Idles TOO FAST Followup

Subject: TR4A Idles TOO FAST Followup
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:00:27 EDT
Yesterday I wrote the group about this problem and got several good 
suggestions.  I did pull the carbs finally and look at the butterflies.  Can 
someone explain the correct way they are mounted.  My seat with the inclined  
edge tangent to the body.  I found two other small problems.  One was the 
choke on the rear carb was not fully released.  I fixed that one quickly.  
The main problems I believe I still have is that the springs that close the 
throttle are not very strong.  If I push down on the linkage softly the rpms 
drop right off.  Are there one or two springs.  I have HS6's.  

My minimum rpm is now 1200, down from 2000 yestserday.  I believe stronger 
springs would drop me below 1000 easily.  

Thanks for all the help.

Mike in Morgantown

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