My newly restored 66 TR4A engine decided to go nuts today. It was
operating normally, when the temperature rose quickly. I nursed it home,
about 2 miles, with the temp gauge 3/4 ways up. The water was steaming
and it finally began to run rough (pre ignition). After a cooling down,
it did start and run, though without a lot of power. I took a
compression check to determine the damage, as I was hoping for a blown
head gasket. Sure enough, number 2 is a water pump. But, disconcertingly
1 is 150 lbs., 2 is (even under water) 150 lbs., 3 is 135 lbs, and 4 is
175 lbs. So, you engine gurus out there, what would you think is the
problem, and should I consider a complete rebuild or might the damge be
limited? That 175 lbs bothers me. Advise solicited. Jerry Oliver.