Below from the book by James Taylor, "Triumph TR7 and TR8 1975-1981 Owner's
and Buyer's Guide", Yesteryear Books, 1993, ISBN 1 873078 12 9
I bought in 1995., probably from Classic Motorbooks (they're on the Web)
Here's the VIN key...
SA=These 2 places added in May1981, SAT=British Leyland's Triumph Marque
L means Canada spec (V=US 49 states, Z=California)
45 = ?? book says these 2 places should be:
D=drophead, E=fixed (4=D?)
J=4 cyl, TR7 V=Eight cyl, TR8
8=LHD, Manual
B means 81, C=82,
A=Solihull (T=Canley)
Last car=408533