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Re: VTR Last Update

Subject: Re: VTR Last Update
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 20:12:17 -0400
Hi Bob,

I'm only 20 days behind on the list, something about recouperation and then
heading off to TRF Summer Party and then trying to work at work and still
trying to finish my car project... busy, busy, busy.

At any rate, I wanted to offer this factoid, mostly because I'm pretty
proud of the accomplishment... from the database of the VTR autocross, the
fastest times sorted by time. As you may notice, I actually was third
fastest overall. I'm kind of embarassed at how things turned out - I really
wanted Andy Mace to do a bit better than I.

So without further adieu - the top 5 VTR autoX'rs:

Mark Bradakis    47.920  Prepared TR4
John Lye         48.493  Prepared TR4
Robert Lang      49.115  Modified TR6
Andy Mace        49.951  Prepared Spitfire
Chris Kantarjiev 50.527  Prepared TR4

Now, if I had only stuck in the Detroit Locker and bought some sticker
Hoosier AutoX radials... Hmmm, I coulda had FTD! Maybe next year.

I wonder if my girlfriend would sit in the car with me for 3000 miles each
way with a pair of Hoosiers on her lap... probably not. Oh well. There is
the Eastern Regional in Richmond. Hmmmm.

At any rate, I just thought I'd throw that out there.


Bob Lang      | TR 6 Guy           | Editor: New England Triumphs
Phone:        | 617-253-7438 (days)| 781-438-2568 (eves)
Occupation:   | ComputerZ          | TR fixer-Upper

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