From: John Cowan <>
My '60 TR-3A has developed an increasingly annoying shimmy at about 50
MPH which has now reached the point of feeling unsafe. It's not so
noticeable when dr
Could it be as simple as out of round or incorrectly balanced tire? I remember
my Jag had similar problem, I rotated tires front to back to try to fix it with
same results, and turned out I had two bad tires. Replaced the tires and no
problem. By now, your shocks are probably gone, but one simple test for shock
function is to "bounce" the car and see how fast it stops...should not bounce
more than one time with good shocks. Also, check your wheels for play by
jacking up the front end and grabbing the tire and trying to rock it top to
bottom and side to side. Should be very minimal play. Check trunnion and idler
arm for wear. Also wheel bearings. Good luck.