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Sump gasket

Subject: Sump gasket
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 22:43:50 EDT
Hello listers

In an effort to "curb" my TR4 and keep it from marking its terrritory I put 
her in the air and pulled the sump with the intention of replacing the 
gasket. I got the sump on the bench and used a putty knife to get the old 
gasket off. It came off fairly easily, whole sections between the bolt holes 
came off in one piece.
The TR3-4 sump is like most I guess, pressed sheet steel. Around the 1" or so 
wide flange where the gasket goes there are little 1/4" or so wide dpressions 
in the steel - for strength I suppose. The engine had leaked pretty bad and 
most of these little depressions were full of old black engine oil. I was a 
bit surprised however to find 2 or 3 were full of what appeared to be clean, 
new oil!
Any ideas how this could happen?
Prior to today if you cleaned the area off and got under the car while 
running, you would see little drops of oil magically appear on the heads of 
the sump bolts. 

In any event it seems I was fairly successful - ran the car for 15 min or so 
and no magic drops.
Tranny still leaks some tho' . C'mon it's a Triumph with oil in it!

Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
62 TR3B
64 TR4

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