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Comments on web page...

Subject: Comments on web page...
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 1999 02:50:57 -0600
Organization: Barely enough

... and thanks to all of you who replied with comments, and suggestions
to improve it. For the diehard Triumph fans, I hope to have more
pictures and text later on hopefully interesting subjects, such as
fitting the Lucas PI system to the GT6 (I am told this is not a common
swap, even in GB). I might even find some of the missing pictures of the
TR4 (I must admit, I had a manila envelope stuffed with old pictures
which may well have been lost when I moved *bummer*), and may take some
pictures of the `72 GT6 before and after improvements and post them on
the page. 

What has been the most fun is discovering, from those few pages, all the
other interests and obsessions of some list members... had I not added
the comments I did, Joe Curry would never have informed me that he, and
our own Mr. Wizard, Dan Masters, are also guitar players. We live in
interesting times with interesting people. <smile>

Cheers, all, and thanks.

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