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Rebuilding the Rear (TR4-A)

Subject: Rebuilding the Rear (TR4-A)
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 11:37:28 -0700 (PDT)
I thought I'd give an update and ask for some advice:

The TR4-A is up on jackstands,interior gutted, fenders off, paint/undercoat
stripping and rust repair well underway with the wife and kids doing the lion's
share of that work. (have I got a great family or what?)

I'm in the process of taking the IRS apart and need the list's collective
wisdom as to what should be rebuilt/replaced at 73,000 miles/34 years of use. 
Also, are there any 'gotchas' I should look out for?

Thanks in advance,

Raymond Lucas Hatfield
'65 TR4-A IRS
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