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Re: Triumphs vs. MGs...whatsa scoop?

Subject: Re: Triumphs vs. MGs...whatsa scoop?
From: tunabreath <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 21:26:20 -0400
References: <> wrote:
> Ken
> I won't try to speak for others. I love the Triumphs. Someday, budgets and
> kids permitting I'll get my TR3, and GT6. (My son wants a spit.)Meanwhile
> I'll work on the one model I really love. TR250s. But I must admit, I do own
> an MG too. A 1958 MGA... made back when they had real frames and a classic
> roadster body style. Its not fast or powerful, but it is fun to drive (big
> criteria) and IMHO a beautiful car to look at. I don't like the MGBs or

Pip, Pip!
 I love the MGA, week but beautiful. The later ones....Best left unsaid.
If you can't say something nice...
 Someone just put a note on my car, they are selling 2 GT6' for $800.
One is a Mk II, the other a MKIII.
 I fell in love two days ago. A Stag, immaculate, brown. Creampuff
condition. $9500.
 Easy come, easy go.

3 GT6's
1968 KC 11271
67 or before KC 6675
MK II # not handy.
Lots of extra doors , 2 extra bonnets.

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