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Re: TR4 arms fix?

Subject: Re: TR4 arms fix?
From: Randall <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 14:36:20 -0700
References: <>
Carl :

Haven't actually tried it (mine weren't that bad), but the normal
bushings are already somewhat oversize (you have to press them in, then
ream with a 5/8" reamer).  I'd try just putting in the regular bushings,
after dressing down the edge (if any) between the original hole and the
worn place.

Also, if the arms and pins are that badly worn, I'd replace the entire
trunnion.  The threads inside the trunnion (which are tough to inspect)
are the only thing holding the car off the ground !

59 TR3A "daily driver wanna be" wrote:
> Hi List,
> I've totally desmantled my TR4s front suspension. Found the trunnion 'cross
> pins', (large steel shafts horizontaly through the brass trunnion part), all
> badly worn flat where they ride in the lower outer arm bushings. (RevingtonTR
> sells just the shaft part for US$30 ea. vs. Moss entire trunnion at $75 ea.)
> Shafts are so badly worn they not only went through the bushings but into the
> arm metal about .5 to 1 mm on all four arms. Can I get oversized bushes
> installed? Steel inserts made-then bushes? Or do I have to buy all four lower
> arms as 'good used' and rebuild from there? Anyone go through this or have
> good ideas on best repair?
> Carl
> '64 TR4 since '74 ...and I thought the suspension was in great shape - hooha

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