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Charging a stale battery

To: "''" <>
Subject: Charging a stale battery
From: "Amatruda, Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 08:46:12 -0400
I went to fire up the 4A for the first time since the rebuild.  In
preparation I put the relatively new Die Hard on the charger and found it
barely able to take a charge.  It's 3 years old, but has been sitting idle
for 2 during the rebuild (no trickle charge).   After about 5 hours I did
get it to register on the charger and it had enough power to start the car
with some additional boosting.  It still does not register as being fully
charged on the charger meter.  I seem to recall that batteries that sit for
a while can get "sulfated" and there is a procedure to reverse the process.
I think you need a BIG charger, not the 10 amp thing I have.  Can someone
confirm if this is true and if a Gas Station size charger can fix this.

Andy Amatruda
1967 TR4A (with 60 seconds of run time on the rebuilt engine) 

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