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Re: Radio suppression

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: Radio suppression
From: George Hahn <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 1999 15:39:57 -0700
References: <002801bec3f9$fd579100$84e407c3@jonmac>
jonmac wrote:

> Brian
> Seems like you don't have a suppressor on the coil....

The last time I bought a Lucas coil for the '3 it had a ceramic thing
(about 2cm x 2cm x 7.5cm) mounted on the bracket and marked "+" and
wired to the coil.  Perhaps it's a ballast resistor but I'm unclear on
it's purpose... noise supression?  better spark?

Anyway, I left it off and (naturally) saved it.  Who can tell me what it
is/does?  Brian -- if it all it does is improve radio reception, it's
yours if you want it.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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