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Adventures in LBCs

Subject: Adventures in LBCs
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 09:16:19 -0400
   I took a little 1,070 mile jaunt this past weekend in my TR6 - I attended the
American LeMans Series race at Mosport near Toronto in Canada.  Nice circuit (my
first time there), nice people (eh?), and some great racing.  Went up last
Thursday, top down all the way, and the car ran fine (even at 135kph on the
401).  Spent
the weekend camping trackside (yes, you can get everything you need for a
weekend into a TR6 - 8'x10' cabin tent, tarp, poles, Coleman stove, portable gas
sleeping bag, air mattress, folding tables, chaise lounge, ice chest, food.
etc., etc.).  The trip home was a bit less enjoyable - there was a nasty
accident on the 401
and I sat in traffic for 45 minutes roasting my feet (I had the heat on full
tilt to draw some of the heat off the motor so it wouldn't overheat).  I then
hit HEAVY rain all the
way from Kingston, Ont. to Syracuse, NY. with no defroster (guess I'll have to
fix that).
     There were 2 other LBC owners camping there (a GT6 and an MGB) and I got a
lot of comments from passersby ("I remember when we came up here for the
Canadian Grand Prix in '74 in my friend's TR3...").  All in all, an enjoyable

Dennis Culligan / '76 TR6 CF57948U - TR6IUMPH/ Highland,NY /DNCULLIG@US.IBM.COM

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