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Triumph and Tragedy, Part Two

Subject: Triumph and Tragedy, Part Two
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 08:55:40 -0700 (PDT)
For those who are interested, here's an update on the situation with my TR:

I got in contact with the insurance company that covers U-Haul, and am getting
my claim processed.  They have been very polite and understanding of the
situation, and haven't given me any hassles so far.

Saturday I spent most of the day walking along the interstate, but finally
found the missing wheel, unharmed except fro some minor scratches on the back
side of the wheel.  Upon closer examination, I have realized that these are
dual-purpose wheels ... the  knock-off portion BOLTS to the wheel, and can
presumably be removed to convert it to a bolt-on wheel as well.  VERY unusual
wheel?  As soon as I get the DPO applied paint off, I think they might look
pretty good!

I have gotten enough information about the "S.A.H. Tuned" badging to believe
that Moss Mtrs might have some type of records IF it was more than just PO
applied ... is Moss USA part of Moss UK, or does anyone have an e-mail addy I
could write to?

Finally, I am currently working on removing the undercoating from the car to
take care of some minor surface rusting inside the wheelwells ... anybody know
any shortcuts on that one?

Thanks for all the help!

Raymond L.  Hatfield

'65 TR4-A CTC53742LO

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