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RE: TR3 Camber

To: "TR: Michael Ferguson" <>
Subject: RE: TR3 Camber
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 08:38:06 -0400
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Michael Ferguson writes:

>When I bought this car ('59 TR3A), I knew the front end was going to
>need some work. So far, tie rod ends and silentbloc bushes. However, the
>camber "looked" normal, i.e. the tops of the tires appeared to slant
>outward a bit. After the tie rod job, this is no longer the case. Now it
>looks as though the tops of both wheels are tilted in toward the middle.
>Not good. Jacking up the car and pulling on the tops of the tires
>results on NO movement or slop - otherwise, I wouldn't have passed
>inspection 8^). Any thoughts as to what causes this or whether a tie rod
>job would have had this effect? Thanks.
>- --
>Michael Ferguson
>Vernon CT
>1959 TR3A     TS53990L


When I bought my TR4 in 1983 it was missing the cross bar that runs
between the shock towers and as a result the camber was noticably 
out and the local inspector wouldn't even look at it until I fixed it.  I
a local veteran TR guy who sold me  a cross bar and told me not to do 
what one person did.

This person had the same problem and took his car and his cross bar 
to a shop for installation.  Since the frame had settled and the bar didn't

fit the shop cut the bar, installed it and welded it back together with the

frame secured in the settled position!  

I found that if you raise the car with the jack under the main frame cross 
member the shock towers will spread and allow installation of the bar 
and the camber will be more or less correct.  Unless your bar is already
in there.  In that case maybe some shims will fix it.(???)

Dave Massey
57 TR3 (with good camber)
71 TR6 (new interior kit to be installed)
80 TR8 (1000 pieces)

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