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Re: Who Won the SpitRaffle?

To: "Heglund, Davis (MN17)" <>
Subject: Re: Who Won the SpitRaffle?
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 07:34:26 -0600
Cc: "'Triumph List'" <>
References: <>
I was wondering the same thing myself.  I look forward to a road trip to
fetch the beauty from its home in Canada!  Anybody Know?


"Heglund, Davis (MN17)" wrote:
> Just curious - Anyone know who won the '76 Spitfire being raffled off June
> 6th at the Palmerston, Ontario High School?  (apparently, not me) .
>   Dave H.   '69 GT6  (tranny in pieces)

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 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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