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Re: Comp Manual Online and copyrights

Subject: Re: Comp Manual Online and copyrights
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:08:27 -0700
TeriAnn Wakeman wrote:
>Does this mean that you own the copyright to the manual or have received
>permission to republish the manual from the copyright owners???

Fred Thomas wrote:
>It seems Ken is making a very nice attempt at trying to be of help to the
>>entire LBC list of owners and someonebody else is trying to play Perry
>Mason >or NYPD, and tell him what he can or can't do, move on, read it,
>use it, and >enjoy it. We need more Ken's with helping ideas, and far less
>street corner >lawyers telling someone else what to do. Thanks  Ken for
>your time and >consideration of everyone concerned. If all else fails I
>will send cigarettes >every month where ever they confine you.   "FT"

Fred and all:
I need to come to TeriAnn's defense here.  I took her question about the
copyright issue as a friendly way of asking a legitimate and important
question, and one that is frequently overlooked by the mass public.  For
me, I don't care whether adequate permission has been given in order to
"publish" the booklet on the web.  You're right, it is very helpful to us.
But, if the copyright issue had been something that Ken Bertschy didn't
think of, he might well have appreciated the note to warn him of the risks.
I did visit the site to see what was mentioned about copyright, and in all
honesty I sincerely doubt that WHOEVER owns the copyright will do much
about it.  But, who knows in this society?  As long as Ken is aware of the
risks (however slight, perhaps) then I'm fine with it.  I'm not trying to
police the list for copyright violations and I don't think that TeriAnn
was, either.  Copyright laws, as ridiculous as they can be, are "real" laws
and can have consequences.  I would sooner think that the list populous
would be grateful for TeriAnn's consideration and concern for another list
member's legal well-being.

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6
Bend, Oregon

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