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Rambling speculations on brake fluid

Subject: Rambling speculations on brake fluid
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 09:54:44 EDT
Hi all, I didn't mean to start such a ruckus on brake fluid, and I have no 
idea how we got on anti freeze, chemical dependency, etc.  I was hoping that 
someone might know exactly what brake fluids are, and if they have any 
toxicity going on or not.  Instead, like so many topics, everyone has an 
opionion but doen't know for sure.   As for what's natural or not, I think 
you are missing the big picture, i think you would be surprised at the 
"unatural" things that the earth is capable of producing on it's own.  I 
might also propose that since they Can be made, then they Are natural.  If we 
follow the other line of thought chocalate chip cookies are not natural, 
since they don't spontaneously create themselves.

I am not proposing that you all run out and pour your used brake fluid in 
your neighbors well, just understand what you've got and dispose of it 

Don't over react to the environmental "chicken littles", or pretty soon brake 
fluid will go the way of R12!

In Wisconsin, where "natural" animal waste is allowed to pollute the water 
table, and people get sick from it.

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