Message text written by
>Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:59:32 +0100
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Subject: RE: Lightening of cam followers
the usual approach would first be to drill a hole near the bottom, approx 3
mm off it.
This is to let the oil run off and thus lighten the follower. To drill
further holes in it gives a lot less effect but then you can do it if you
really really want to...
The wear results in a smaller area of contact between follower and block
which also results in wear in the block.
You need to be careful with this. Kastner talks about this in the prep
Reports that holes near the bottom resulted in fragmentation of the
He says to avoid holes in the sides anywhere.
He says to shorten the follower a little and then bore it out a little.