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Re: MGB Question

To: "Patrick Bitton" <>, "Triumph" <>
Subject: Re: MGB Question
From: "Michael Marr" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:00:27 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
On my '74 BGT it was located under one of the rear wheel arches, but I can't
remember which side (I sold the car in '76!).  It is an SU electric pump.
It was placed in this position so that all the ice, snow, salt and other
Wisconsin winter crud could collect on it easily...  Another Triumph of
English automotive ingenuity!

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Bitton <>
To: Triumph <>
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 10:24 PM
Subject: MGB Question

>Sorry for asking this question here, but my cousin asked me if I could
>replace his fuel pump and I said sure. Unfortunately, I never worked on a
>MGB. Can anyone tell me where the thing is located? I have no manuals to
>work with and I haven't seen the car yet. This way you will probably save
>TR-6 70 and 73
>Ground UP

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