Can any of you well-informed ladies and gentlemen close to the power houses
of Washington and Downing Street tell me something I may not know?
Have Uncles Bill and Tony decided to click up yet more aircraft for Serbia
and friend Slobalot? For the last three nights they've been practising using
my cottage as a target and I took down the Chinese flag off the chimney last
weekend. Tonight, it's got beyond a joke. Okay, so I live in the hills and
the contours are a good wheeze for waggling the control column and kicking
the rudder but enoughs enough. Within the last half hour they've been coming
through the window and out through the back door to immediately go vertical
on full re-heat. It only wants one of those guys to start to sneeze as he
leaves my kitchen at 500mph and he'll take my beloved Triumph with him as he
goes through the garage!
That said, there could be something to gain. If they let go a missile at the
garage, the heat from the explosion would certainly prepare the paintwork
for a re-spray!
I now know all there is to know about "head up" cockpit displays - as I'm
sitting on the floor and looking up at my screen typing this out.
John Mac
Book 1:
Book 2:
Triumph Over Triumph magazine: