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To: "Pete & Aprille Chadwell" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Electric WATER PUMPS?
From: "Kim and Kelly Alford" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 18:40:24 -0800charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
But the question is:  Would the increased draw from the electric water pump
combined with electric fans increase drag on the engine from the alternator
(or generator), to keep up with the additional electrical demand?  Remember,
alternators are only about 30% efficient.

Kelly Alford
71 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Pete & Aprille Chadwell
Sent:   Tuesday, March 16, 1999 8:19 AM
Subject:        Electric WATER PUMPS?

This is probably not new to a lot of folks on this list, but a buddy of
mine had a Datsun 510 street/autocrosser that he had fitted with an
electric WATER pump.  This was many years ago, so I don't remember the
details, but the benefit was that no matter the engine rpm's, the water
pump always turned the same rpm.

At least I THINK that was a benefit!  And I think it was supposed to reduce
some of the parasitic power loss of driving the impeller off the crank,
just as electric fans do.


Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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