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Re: Movie ?

Subject: Re: Movie ?
From: richard jackson <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 12:01:37 +0000
Organization: University College Northampton
References: <> wrote:

> To all,
>    I hope someone can help me out because it's one of those things that
> keep nagging you
> until you have the answer. I was watching 'The Birds' the other night and I
> can't place the
> car she's driving. Being relatively new to LBC's, it may be plain to those
> in the know. I've tried
> looking up trivia about the movie but with no success. So, I'm at your
> mercy oh knowledgeable ones!
> Thanks for the feedback...
> Scott

If it was a convertible, then from what I can remember it's an Aston Martin,
something like a DB2/4 or a DB3.


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