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Re[2]: TR6: Engine Pulling

To: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>,
Subject: Re[2]: TR6: Engine Pulling
From: (Bud Rolofson)
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:50:13 -0500
If you can pull the tranny without taking the engine out, then you can certainly
go the other way and pull the engine out without taking the tranny out.  To do
either one though requires you to pull seats, carpet, dash support bracket,
tranny cover, and assorted other things.  And provide some support to the one
you're leaving in. 

Once you've got all of that stuff out the question becomes; do I want to take
out the 16 nuts and bolts holding the tranny and engine together (which either
takes two people or the mental powers of Uri Geller to hold the wrench on the
bolt from the other side of the firewall...OK I'm exaggerating and I have done
it alone but it's not easy).... OR do I want to just remove the 4 bolts at the
flange and the bolts on the mounting bracket that are sitting right in front of
me .  If you're pulling the engine the easy thing to do is remove the four bolts
and the bolts on the mounting bracket and pull the engine with the tranny
attached.  If you're just pulling the tranny then there is no easy way and you
have to remove the 4 bolts on the flange, the bolts on mounting bracket and the
16 on the bellhousing.

It's a bit of a challenge to get a tranny back onto an engine that's in the car,
 I can only imagine the maneuvering that it would take to get an engine mated
back to a tranny that's in the car.

I understood the origins of this thread to be a question that boiled down to: 
"Can I pull the engine without pulling the tranny and without pulling out the
interior."  And I think the answer to that is no.  But I could be wrong about
that too.  

71TR6 CC57365
71TR6 CC65446

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject:    Re: TR6: Engine Pulling
Author: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date:       02/23/1999 6:48 AM

I knew a guy years back that holed a piston in his '71 TR6 and had to swap
motors... my dad and I did an extremely "low budget" rebuild on a motor we
had in a parts car for him.

But, by some feat of magic, he was able to remove the engine without the
gearbox.  I have no idea how he did it, but I did see the car with the
engine out and the gearbox still sitting there, the bellhousing supported
by a coat hanger or some such thing.

It seems like making a lot of work for yourself to remove the motor with
the 'box still in the car... pulling both together is much easier.

I just wanted to point out that apparently, it IS possible!

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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