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Re: GT6 in 1999 Monte Carlo Rally (part 1)

Subject: Re: GT6 in 1999 Monte Carlo Rally (part 1)
From: "Johnny Storm: International Racing car driver" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:08:39 +0000 (GMT)

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 wrote:

> Listers,
> Recently, I saw a small picture in the Saturday Feb. 6th issue of the Daily
> Telegraph newspaper (British National newspaper), depicting what looks like a
> GT6-2 wearing a GT6 (Mark 1) bonnet. Or to put it another way, a GT6+ wearing
> a GT6 hood.

 Regular readers of the telegraph will recognise this car and driver
team that campaigned the last but one 'LE JOG' (Lands end to john
O'groats, most northernly and southernly points of GB). It made for
cracking reading when their sumpgaurd caused overheating and they were
skating on ice etc! I don't recall there being any club connections,
probably wanted to avoid the politics and red tape involved.....:-)

   Johnny '70 viterald  (NEW OUTRIGGER AS OF YESTERDAY, HOORAY!) 

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