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Fwd: Fulcrum pins (droop) TR3Aboundary="part0_919132502_boundary"

Subject: Fwd: Fulcrum pins (droop) TR3Aboundary="part0_919132502_boundary"
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:35:00 EST
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Subject: Re: Fulcrum pins (droop) TR3A
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:34:13 EST

Hi Nigel,
I would trial assemble the wishbones and outer trunnion to see if they go
together OK. 

When I took measurements of my bare front end, I was sure to note the
differences between the driver's and passenger's side. I found that the
fulcrum pins were 5/16" out of true with the centerline of the car. That is
that they were skewed from theoretical while remaining horizontal.
I thought the car had been hit and got real nervous, but after I settled down,
I inspected the welds at the bracket where it meets the frame. It made me feel
better to see that they were FACTORY welds. I reasoned that the even if the
pins were skewed, the spring will sit in the pocket in the pan a little off what.  As long as I could align the front end via the steering
linkage, I'd be OK.

If you can get the front end together then there aren't any gross
misalignments and you should be OK.

I would, however, be worried about the outer could rip the
fulcrum pin out of the welded bracket without them. Without them there's
nothing to keep the wishbone arms in place.....they're twisting in the
breeze.....very dangerous. That's probably why the pin was bent in the first

I've got extra if you need them.........but DON"T put the car on the road
without them.

Let me know what you think AND how you make out.

Bob Stahlbush
66 MGB GHN3L78078
60 TR-3A TS81398L


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